I adore Autumn, the warm sunny days and generally cool nights. Instead of lying prone under just a cotton sheet the light cotton blanket has now been added. Cosy? Oh yes!
The Aquilegia (Granny's Bonnets) are still flowering. I intend saving seeds. I have a small brown bag earmarked for storage. The mint behind the pot is flowering. I have never had mint flower before, in fact mint plants are normally devoured by insects within a few weeks but this one has flourished.
Marigolds and Cosmos, I know plants for beginners but with their own merits.
So Autumn and time to plan for Easter. Lots of planning happening, not enough action!
Death of a tomato plant - back to hanging cherry tomatoes next year. Hubby dislikes them and says they are bitter, Teenager quite likes them, I love them and they GROW! A definite plus in my book.
Hanging cherry tomatoes are the only successful ones I've grown - we quite like them. We're getting the garden ready for summer over here - well we should be! Thanks for popping over to my blog!